Friday, 4 May 2012

Don Furniture Lounge Suite

SOLD: Don Furniture Lounge Suite


I had a lovely Don set arrive last week.  

Can I just say that if you're looking at a vintage piece of furniture and you have a metal bracket, a screwdriver or a drill in your hands.... please, please, step away from the furniture.   

This poor girl had had metal brackets attached to strengthen joints that were loose due to the break down of 40+ year old glue. This set also had a broken back joint where due to the repairs the wood had split. It's such a lovely brand and set.... time to get to work.  

I took the couch apart cleaned all joints and replaced broken dowels.  I used an epoxy fill to bond to & strengthen the broken back section allowing a new dowel housings to be drilled. The new fill was carved to refit the last back spring (for various reasons I chose this over scarfing in a new section of wood).   Someone had also through bolted the bed mechanism on the right hand side;  This I repaired with a two part fill that is specifically designed to hold screws so that the mechanism could be attached from the inside as intended.  The outer .5mm of the holes was filled with a tinted wood fill to match the mahogany frame.  I filled the screw holes on the back (where the brackets had been removed) and popped the whole frame back together.

I recovered the squabs and used some of my favorite vintage & modern fabrics to provide a tone matching set of cushions 

Okay, call me crazy, it's a lot of work for a set that will never be 'perfect' again, but this lady deserves a second chance.  Wood was felled and designers spent hours, days, probably weeks perfecting this design.  Builders put her together to endure.  A family somewhere will love this set, and she will serve them well. They will take her into the next 40 years with the grace she deserves.