Monday 16 July 2012

There's no such thing as too many clamps!

The first cylinder has been glued and is setting overnight.  I won't know till tomorrow if the theory has worked.  I also managed to get a couple of test curves glued so hopefully I can strength test a few of those tomorrow too.  So today we build it and tomorrow we break it... strange progress.

Saturday 14th July 

I've spent the last few days making up some of the forms for my bent wood lamination tests and dry run clamping the laminate strips.  I can safely say, there is no such thing as too many clamps.

 First job tomorrow morning is clamp shopping... again.  The next test comes as I start testing with the glue.  I have a funny feeling things are about to get messy.  I've managed to bend to various curves that I wanted & to a circle which is key for a couple of my pieces, but have yet to fully master the cylinder, but I'm getting there.